Everywhere I Go

Several years ago a piece of this song came to me in a dream. Upon waking I immediately ran to the piano to write it down. I had something like two measures of music. Life happened, and I had almost forgotten about this until rather recently. Now finally I have been able to realize what those two measures could become. This song is about my father. He was a very linear, straight-forward thinker. His philosophy on life was rather simple and he walked with a serenity that I've never seen in another human. I on the other hand am an absolute tornado. After he passed in 2015 I've thought much about the juxtaposed nature of our personalities. The hardest part about losing him was losing the peace and consistency of his presence.

What gives you peace? How do you stay steady through the tumultuous tides of life?

Cello stuff:
The counterpoint did not present itself readily when I was composing this. I am trying to get 14 songs done in one month and this took me a few days to really get the part writing done. I'm still not entirely sure I'm done with it. Anyway, there are three cello parts, with varying degrees of movement. Cello III stays true to the bass note and big beats, giving it a nice traditional sense of grounding. Cello II has the most movement and dances around the higher frequencies of Cello I. I also wanted to really bring out the chromatic walk-down without making it terribly jarring. Cello is so very good at softening the blow of what could otherwise be a rather harsh transition back to tonic.

Though all your fractions were simplified
In tight tiny boxes behind your eyes
You couldn't hide
Your how's and what's and where's and why's

Even as a boy you were so serene
Placid waters running deep underneath the old oak tree
But disease takes everything
A silent killer no one hears manifested there for forty years

And though your intentions were pure as snow
You drifted away on your sailboat
And there you go
Off into the world unknown

October came to my door
She told me of the wild spore you didn't have an answer for
My mother could hardly speak
Restless research no reprieve, It'd be fifteen months before she would sleep

Wake me up when it's over
Wake me up before he goes
Doing my best to stay sober
Clinging to the last of all I know

Wake me up when it's over
Wake me up before he goes
I feel asleep in foggy grieving stupor
I woke up all alone

Though all my fractions were simplified
In tight tiny boxes behind my eyes
I couldn't find
Your how's and what's and where's and why's

And though my intentions were pure as snow
I've lost all your blueprints and let you fall
I should've known
Disaster's everywhere I go

All the thorns without a rose
Disaster's everywhere I go