
My wheels started turning as I tried to relate nature to my own life experience. Most of my life has been a struggle to escape captivity. I don’t want to be alone, but I don’t want to be owned.

What do you do to claim ownership of self?

Cello stuff:
I composed this on the guitar initially, wanting to create a lovely skeleton to fill in with cello and vocals. There are three main cello parts that mostly just pad the vocal melody during the verse. During the chorus Cello I begins to move more on the big beats of the compound meter, but is still supportive in its role. When the bridge comes in I add a fourth cello in arpeggiated 8th notes. I felt that this was the time to bring lots of movement and energy to the cello section as the vocal melody is more sparse and sustained. Cello III is moving from G to F#, as these tones can remain consistent through the progression, even with employ of the Eb chord. I like it when tones remain the same but change function.

I'm sorry you mistook me for a heliotrope
Petals extended to the sun
Ultraviolet rays wrapped around my throat
Spreading my stings to everyone

And oh, what a world
A spectator sport for demise
My late blooming beauty came unfurled
It was everyone else's but mine

Born boraginaceous by the farmer
His cow parsnips sing to the bees
I cross-pollinated with an oleander
And poisoned the field with disease

And oh, what a world
A spectator sport for demise
My late blooming beauty came unfurled
It was everyone else's but mine

Forget me not, forget-me-not
Forget me not, forget-me-not

I'm sorry you mistook me for a heliotrope
Petals extended to the sun